Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Scumdog Leader Has Fallen R.I.P. Odreus

Whats up fuckers im back on with some sad news yesterday at 6:50 pm lead singer of Gwar Oderus Urugus(dave brockie) was found dead at his home in richmond.I started this post yesterday but just didnt know what to say Gwar is a band ive been listening to since i was a teenager in my and alot of others opinion that was the best fucking live show ever for those of you who have witnessed a slaughter first hand it just sucks that another one of our bands gone forever what ill miss the most is waiting in the darkness other scumdog brothers yelling and screaming for the scumdogs of the universe to kill everything the spotlight shines on a lone character talking shit about gwar and we are all yelling KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!! then here comes odreus with a big ass sword or fucking battle axe and whack off with the head and to know im not ever gonna feel that first refreshing spray of blood in my face gushing from a decapitated body again makes me sad and gettin hosed down by whatever color of nasty stuff was comming out of the cuddlefish it sucks to never have that experince again example of cuttlefish in picture alright fuckers let us all drink smoke and sodomise in memory of our fallen scumdog leader Odreus Urungus HAIL ODERUS!!! This is hepkatjose sayin"daves not here anymore"catch you on the flipside....

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